

Agile helps teams work on a project through working towards a plan (usually 2 week sprints), and various methods to work together, such as stand up meetings and pair programming.

Typical roles in a team might include: scrum master, DevOps, frontend and backend developer.

Ways to help a team plan:

  • Issues
  • Scrum board

What are some things necessary of a successful team?

  • Creativity
  • Critical thinking
  • Communication
  • Collaboration through leadership
  • Collaboration (teamwork)
  • Research
  • Technical


Primitives: Includes the data types of int, double, and boolean.

Note: String is not a primitive

Basic code:

Data types:

int [var], double [var], boolean [var], and String [var]


Scanner [var] = new Scanner(System.in); : Create a scanner object with a name of [var], set it equal to System.in, which is what the user inputs on the keyboard.