
Hi! This post will just be me playing around and explaining how to use Jupyter notebook in VSCode. I don't know about you, but VSCode's documentation is super long and wordy, so I'll try to use simple English and incorporate some humor within :)

This page will also include some tips and tricks that I found while using Jupyter Notebook, or some things that I struggled with.

Information on this page will also based on the descriptions on this page

What is Jupyter Notebook??

For the long and wordy explanations that pop up when you google: Jupyter Notebook

Jupyter Notebook is an environment that allows you to create cells that can contain various types of code, including Python and Markdown.

Now, you might be wondering, why do I need this?

Well, there's a few reasons:

  • Jupyter Notebook is interactive. It allows you to move your program around.
  • What if you want to test a portion of your code? Instead of running the entire thing, you could use Jupyter Notebook to run code snippets.

Below is some testing of using Jupyter Notebook. I will add explanations of what these do later.

woah hidden input
