Invite List

Confirm that you are coming


Link to frontend on Github Pages

Our theme for our project is Chinese New Year. The page that I worked on is an invite list. The invite list is in the from of a table that is generated with information from JSON. For example, an entry looks like this: {"_name": "Zhang Tianming", "_age": 18, "_phoneNum": "858-123-5692", "_coming": true}. Using JavaScript, a table is created with a for each loop that takes the name, age, phone number, and if the guest is coming or not.

This is what the table looks like:

I also created an input box where a user can type their name to confirm that they are coming (Read in CRUD). The JavaScript takes in the name of the person from the input box and then finds the element in the table that has the same id. The code then changes the element’s coming status from Not decided to Yes.

Input box:

Coming status changed: