1. Coding: The benefits of coding include creating applications that can solve a variety of problems and help improve people’s lives. Computer programming has greatly changed our way of life and often in a good way by making tasks more convenient. However, the downside of code is that it can be utilized to exploit other systems. Coding languages such as Python and JavaScript are commonly used to compromise a system or application and steal data.

  2. E-books: E-books allow the process of reading to become more convenient. Because people who have devices typically carry them everywhere they go, E-books provide the opportunity to read anywhere. This saves the weight of carrying a book that may be bulky. E-books also helps save trees as no paper is required for a digital book. The downside of E-books is that it increases the amount of screen time that people are exposed to. Especially in a time when we are increasing our device usage time, E-books are another contribution to this.

  3. Robots: The benefits of robots are that they can be used to either do tasks that simplify a person’s life, or they can be used to do tasks that would be extremely difficult or impossible for a person to do. The danger of robots is that if robots are programmed with AI, there could be potential dangers. This can be seen in movies where robots destroy the human civilization because they have a mind of their own.

  1. I agree that games and social media can become very addictive. After all, these forms of entertainment are intentionally developed to capture a person’s attention and keep them on the media. For example, social media is filled with algorithms that identify a person’s interests and select posts and advertisements that align with it. This keeps users on the platform for an extremely long period of time as they scroll away endlessly. In addition, games are also addictive in that they allow people to escape from their real life struggles and immerse themselves in a world in which they can be the hero. The tasks in games are also achievable, providing the dopamine rush that many people desperately crave. This can be dangerous because these media often worsen a person’s escapism, because they can be the person they can not achieve in real life.