
Today’s event featured ambassadors from Cal State San Marcos who shared the various STEM majors and programs at the college. Information that was presented included the various STEM majors that one could pursue at CSUSM. Something interesting was that the college included many computer related majors, such as CS, cybersecurity, and computer engineering. The ambassadors also shared advice on how to find internships and research programs, and to apply for financial aid. The message that stood out to me was to not let your failures define you. It’s really cool to see how through perseverance, Ashley will be starting her PhD this year. She demonstrates that hard work does pay off and that success can be reached if you don’t give up. Overall, from today’s event, I learned more about the opportunities that are offered at colleges and some of the interesting programs/majors that they have.


  • Ashley: Major in physics
  • Persisted despite failures -> starting PhD this year
  • Test scores don’t define you
  • Use computer science in other STEM fields

  • John: Transfer from Palomar to Cal State San Marcos
  • Degree in math, physics, and engineering

  • Cal State San Marcos: Newer college
  • National leader in social mobility (internship oppurtunities)
  • Pathways:
    • Chemistry
    • Physics
    • Biological Science
    • Computer science, Computer information systems, Cybersecurity, Computer engineering
      • Easy to transition between majors
    • Math
    • Electrical engineering
    • Software engineering
  • Lots of STEM clubs

  • Internships:
    • How to find: Join clubs, check emails, campus events, google
    • Tips: Try to avoid unpaid internships
      • Apply even if you feel underqualified
      • Ask faculty members for help with applications
      • Ask writing centers for help
  • Programs:
    • Summer scholar program: Research program
    • Quantum bridge program
  • Research: STEM (physics, CS, bio)

  • Grant vs. scholarship: Grant is government funded, scholarship is privatly funded
  • Look for scholarships yourself
  • Grants depend on parents’ salary + grades
  • Loans:
    • Unsubsidized loan: Need to pay interest on loan instantly
    • Subsidized loan: Loan partially funded by the government (have some time before need to pay interest)

  • Life after college:
    • Graduate school
    • Educator
    • Work