My score is 47/50.

The question that I got wrong was #11. I chose B as the answer. It is wrong because newList is not sorted. Although list1 and list2 are sorted, once they are combined, the entries may not be in alphabetical order anymore. A is the correct answer because newList is being assigned to editing of the previous newList. I did not select this answer because I overlooked that newList was the argument in some of these procedures.

The second question that I got wrong was #20. I did not select statement III because I thought that when the question said to generate a list of criminal suspects, I thought that it meant the names of the suspects. The question is actually just looking for the phone numbers of possible suspects, which is why statement III is valid.

The third question that I got wrong was #37. I got this question wrong because I thought that number of steps was related to time complexity. It is actually related to space complexity, so since the space complexity is n^2, the time complexity would be more efficient. Therefore, the algorithm would “run in a reasonable amount of time”, so the correct answer is B.